Advocating for PROfessional and PERsonal/Family Caregivers one "EnterTraining" Event at a time!
The "Inner Voice" of all Caregiver types!
PROfessional Caregivers
~ as a PROfessional Caregiver you chose a career that requires (ALLOWS) you to take satisfaction in pleasing Others...
~ while you seek a work/life balance your loved-ones rely on you Caregiver qualities as well.
~ you crave control and rely on routines to keep it all in balance...
You might be a Caregiver if...
you are a Nurse, Conference Planner, Administrator,
Social Worker and are your own worst critic!
"Defender Of Caregivers"
My name is DOC, the "Defender Of Caregivers" and I am here for YOU!
As your Defender I represent the calm, rational side of you... Hopefully, when you see or think of me you will learn to listen to and trust (ACCEPT) an inner monologue that says nice things to and about YOU!
My goal is to help build a bridge between PROfessional and PERsonal/Family Caregivers to ensure that none of us (YOU) are alone on your Caregivers Journey.
You might be a Caregiver if...
you give yourself to Others
then wonder what Happened to YOU!
DOC works in mysterious ways; one of the ways I help spread, "the word of DOC!" is as a central figure in a one-man comedic-dramatic play called "Defending the Caregiver"
PERsonal/Family Caregivers
`` as a PERsonal/Family Caregiver you think of yourself first as a loved one and feel that you are simply doing what you should do!
~ your Caregiver responsibilities may be creating an imbalance in your life and yet you find it difficult to change!
~ some Caregivers are drawn to the role (Nature Born) and others are thrust into the role (Nurture Borne)
~ you may not yet be AWARE that thinking of yourself as a "loved one" rather than a Caregiver might be a trap!
You might be a Caregiver if...
you don't need to be told to take care of yourself...
you need permission
"Your play 'Defending the Caregiver' absolutely helped me forgive myself and relieved my Caregiver G.U.I.L.T." -- Family Caregiver